Braving The Unknown


Exploring New Possibilities is a Process of Trial and Error.

It's up to us to discover what lies beyond what is known and comfortably familiar to us. Untouched possibilities lie beyond the perceived limitations of our daily lives. While confronting, remaining open to new ways of thinking, doing, and experiencing new environments and people is ultimately rewarding andempowering.

Discovery and Growth Fulfil the Open Heart, Curious Mind and Playful Spirit.

Stepping into the unknown is akin to an adventure with no predetermined destination. It can get messy, but that's ok. We may sometimes be unable to distinguish the forest from the trees, and that's ok, too. The benefit of persisting is that in continuing, we learn as we go how to do, think, and approach situations better. 

Using Myself as an Example.

There are better ways to manage the adverse effects of my conditions. I can thrive with practical, efficient, and sustainable strategies, resources, and support. My thriving looks like meaningfully contributing to the community, engaging in collaboration, making art, and advancing awareness of mental health and neurodiversity in ways that bridge gaps in mutual understanding and effective communication. My heart desires to mutually empower individuals to experience their reality in personally fulfilling ways. 

I know there's a way to use my education, the strengths of having a neurodivergent brain and decades of lived experience to raise positive awareness of complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD) and the solar system of mental health and physical obstacles it creates. I can share practical strategies for managing the lifelong implications of all forms of childhood abuse and the challenges of having a neurodivergent brain. 

The yet unknown realm for me is finding sustainable solutions for the support, home environment, and resources I need to function as independently and optimally as possible. Commonly, people with the same conditions face the same question of finding sustainable solutions for the degree of support, home environment, and resources needed to function as independently and optimally as possible, especially when research on conditions like functional seizures and their detrimental impact is still in its infancy. And at an even greater severity when childhood sexual, physical and verbal abuse is at the origin of or magnifies all subsequent conditions. My goal is to find ways to be part of finding sustainable solutions in general, not just for myself. 

All of us have something we can do and contribute. Maintaining sight of what we can do is essential to our sense of self and integrity. So is participating in the community via activities that nurture and celebrate our strengths. 

Although I have no doubt, there's a way to a reality in which I can find ways to sustainably meet my disability needs—I still need to achieve it. Public speaking and the art showcased in Romulus will play a significant role in filling the gap and building a bridge that reconnects me with society in meaningfully active and innovative ways. Nonetheless, my conviction is self-belief and utter surrender to uncertainty. The beauty is that the seeds of growth are sown and nurtured in all ways available to me within this uncertainty. I, for the first time in seventeen years, feel alive.

I'm daring to figure it out as I go with the support and resources I now have. It's the first time in my life that I've stepped into the unknown with a network of people who know better to advise and support me appropriately. It's the first time I've not been alone in discovering better ways to manage my conditions and navigate the art world, public speaking around mental health and social media.

The Unknown can be Daunting or Exciting, Depending on how we View it.

At first glance, and along the way, the unknown may appear daunting, shrouded in mystery and ambiguity. That's when we remember to break it down into manageable and appropriately paced steps unless we're one of those people wildly enthralled by the vast expanse of what we don't know. 

For most, including myself, the unknown inevitably temporarily and uncomfortably challenges our comfort zones, beckoning us to confront our fears and insecurities head-on. We can persist through the challenge of working constructively through these times with all the available support and time necessary. 

Persistence in venturing forth will eventually lead us to realise how much more we can process and do with the right strategies and support. Beyond the veil of fears and insecurities lies a treasure trove of opportunities and discovery. 

We are universally capable of experiencing so much more than we had believed about ourselves. 


Obstacles are Gateways to New Opportunities


Start Somewhere: That's All We Have To Do